Yunxiang Cai (蔡云翔)


Algorithm Engineer

ADN Research Department
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd

Huawei Technologies Shanghai R&D Center,

Biography. I am currently working as an algorithm engineer at Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd, focusing on autonomous driving networks, particularly in the areas of digital twins and AI-empowered networks. I received my Ph.D. degree from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in September 2023, under the supervision of Prof. Hongzi Zhu. During my Ph.D. studies, I conducted research in Laboratory of Innovation of Networking (LION), focusing on topics related to vehicular networks, mobile computing, mobile sensing, and AIoT. Prior to that, I received my B.S. in Physics from Ocean University of China (OUC) in June 2018, where I was advised by Prof. Yongjian Gu. During my undergraduate studies, I mainly focused on quantum information, especially in the area of underwater quantum key distribution.

[Education] [Research Interest] [Research Projects] [Publications] [Patents] [Awards and Honors] [Voluntary Service] [Teaching Assistance]

Recent News
  • 2024.8 - Our paper about point cloud registration in VANETs has been accepted to appear in IEEE TMC. Congratulations to Zhenxi!

  • 2024.7 - Our paper DeepAoA+ has been accepted to appear in IEEE TVT.

  • 2024.3 - Our paper about mmWave in VANETs has been accepted to appear in TMC. Congratulations to Jiangang!

  • 2023.12 - I join Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd as an algorithm engineer.

  • 2023.12 - Our paper LoRaPCR has been accepted to appear in IEEE INFOCOM 2024. Congratulations to Zhenxi!

  • 2023.08 - I have successfully passed my thesis defense and received my Ph. D. degree! Thesis: Research on Context-aware Broadcasting Protocol Design and Optimization in VANETs

  • 2022.11 - I am Awarded the Graduate Excellent Scholarship.

  • 2022.04 - Our paper mmV2V has been accepted to appear in IEEE ICDCS 2022.

  • 2022.02 - Our patent (202110197393.X) has been authorized by CNIPA.

  • 2022.01 - Our paper PeerProbe has been accepted to appear in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON).


Research Interest

Research Projects


Published Papers:

Working Papers:


Granted Patents:

Applying Patents:

Awards and Honors

Voluntary Service

Teaching Assistance

Last update: Jan. 5, 2024. Webpage template borrows from Dr. Yuanning Gao.